210709 - Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring 2020)

Basic Information


All course materials will be shared via the Dingding group.

Index Date Topic Lecture Notes Homework
00 Feb 20, 2020 Introduction Lec00.pdf
01 Feb 27, 2020 Linear Regression Lec01.pdf, Lec01slides.pdf HW1.pdf
02 Mar 05, 2020 Convex Sets & Convex Functions Lec02.pdf HW2.pdf
03 Mar 12, 2020 Gradient Descent Lec03.pdf HW3.pdf
04 Mar 19, 2020 Naive Bayes +
Guest Lecture on Knowledge Graph
05 Mar 26, 2020 Logistic Regression +
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Lec05.pdf HW4.pdf
06 Apr 02, 2020 SVM + Lagrangian Duality I Lec06.pdf
07 Apr 09, 2020 SVM + Lagrangian Duality II Lec07.pdf HW5.pdf
08 Apr 16, 2020 Decision Tree + Neural Networks Lec08.pdf, Lec09.pdf, Lec10.pdf
09 Apr 23, 2020 Elementary Learning Theory Lec11.pdf HW6.pdf
10 Apr 30, 2020 Elementary Reinforcement Learning I +
Talks on Applications of RL
11 May 07, 2020 Elementary Reinforcement Learning II Lec13.pdf HW7.pdf
12 May 14, 2020 Principal Component Analysis Lec14.pdf HW8.pdf
13 May 21, 2020 Discussion on Homeworks



In this project, you are expected to implement a Reinfocement Learning algorithm to teach an agent to play an Atari game, Lunar Lander or River Raid.


Lunar Lander and River Raid has been implemented as the Reinforcement Learning environment in OpenAI Gym. You may want to install Gym by running pip install gym[atari,box-2d]. Moreover, You can get more information about these two environments from Riverraid-v0 and LunarLander-v2.

You may want to use

import gym
env = gym.make('LunarLander-v2')


to create the Lunar Lander environment and

import gym
env = gym.make('Riverraid-v0')

Riverraid to create the River Raid environment.


We provide you with a simple code to evaluate the agent which takes a random action at each step. You may obtain the code from here. To run the code, go into the ml_spring_2020 directory and execute python scripts/main.py. The default environment is River Raid. You may modify the environment in configs/main_setting.py.

We define a base class called RL_alg in src/alg/RL_alg.py. You are supposed to implement your algorithm in src/alg/[your student ID] directory inheriting from RL_alg. We give an example in src/alg/PB00000000.

You are supposed to finally upload src/alg/[your student ID] directory. TAs will use the provided code to evaluate your trained agent.


  • Train an agent to play Lunar Lander or River Raid. If you choose Lunar Lander, then the final score of this project is less than 18 pts.
  • Do NOT use any autograd tools or any optimization tools in machine learning packages. You are supposed to implement your Reinforcement Learning algorithm from scratch. For example, if you want to use the neural network, you are expected to implement both the neural network and the backpropagation. You can use the libraries in the WhiteList. TAs will update the Whitelist if you have reasonable advices.
  • Remember to save the trained agent. You are supposed to upload your trained agent onto the Blackboard system. TAs will use the provided code to evaluate your trained agent.
  • Please submit a detailed technical report. The technical report should include a learning curve plot showing the performance of your algorithm. The x-axis should correspond to number of time steps and the y-axis should show the mean 100-episode reward as well as the best mean reward. Besides, the technical report should include all the details of your projects, like the implementations, the experimental settings, the analysis of your results, etc.
  • You can find partners to work as a team with no more than three members in total. Please list the percentage of each member’s contribution in your report, e.g., {San Zhang:30%, Si Li:35%, Wu Wang:35%}, which is related to your final grade.


  • If you choose Lunar Lander, full points = min(Base(18pts) + Bonus(5pts), 18pts)
  • If you choose River Raid, full points = min(Base(20pts) + Bonus(5pts), 20pts).
  • The base is determined by the score evaluated by the provided code.
  • The bonus consists of two parts. The first part is the novelty of your approach, which should be highlighted in your poster and technical report. The second part is related to the readability of your code and technical report. Please make them easy to read.


We recommend implementing Deep Q-learning in this project. The pseudocode bellow is a modified version which is easy to reproduce. DQN

We recommend first trying out Lunar Lander to check the correctness of your code. Then, you try training your agent to play River Raid.

Due Day

  • Please turn in your technical report and your trained agent before 23:59 PM, June 18, 2020.
  • No late submissions will be accepted.

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