
  • Graph Learning
  • Natural Language Processing


  • B.S., Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, 2019

    Shanghai University

About me

I am currently an master student at USTC. My advisor is Prof. Jie Wang, who leads the MIRA Lab. My research interests include graph learning and natural language processing.


  • The 15th ‘Gaojiao Cup’ National College Students Advanded Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Competition, Third Price, 2022
  • The 12th ‘Shangtu Cup’ Advanced Drawing Technology and Innovative Design Competition, Individual First Prize, 2022
  • Shanghai Scholarship, 2022
  • 2021 ROBOCUP Robot World Cup China, runner-up, 2021


  • Intern at Shanghai Robotics Industry Technology Research Institute, 08/2021 - 01/2022
