Laboratory of Machine Intelligence Research and Applications


Laboratory of Machine Intelligence Research and Applications (MIRA) brings together a team of faculty, engineers, and students who pursue high-impact innovation in the field of artificial intelligence research and application. MIRA is under the supervision of Professor Jie Wang (王杰), vice dean of the School of the Gifted Young at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC, 中国科学技术大学), deputy director of the Key Laboratory of "Brain-inspired Intelligent Perception and Cognition" of the Ministry of Education. He has published many papers on top machine learning and data mining journals and conferences such as JMLR, TPAMI, NeurIPS, ICML, and SIGKDD. He served as the Area Chair of ICML, NeurIPS, SIGKDD ADS Track, etc. He is an IEEE senior member, CCF distinguished member, associate editor of IEEE TPAMI, Neurocomputing, editorial board member of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, and the PI of the research project funded by National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars.

Our work solves complex challenges across the areas of reinforcement learning, representation learning, optimization, and covers subjects such as deep reinforcement learning algorithm, distributed self-play system, large-scale distributed optimization algorithm, knowledge acquisition and reasoning, and automatic question answering.

Our research group keeps exploring critical questions in a range of scientific and technical disciplines, while MIRA provides a collaborative and supportive environment. MIRA prides itself on the excellence, diversity, and collaboration of its team. Please refer to People for more information.


We are recruiting strongly self-motivated talents — including undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs — to join our group.
Please contact admission AT .

One paper (Learning to Cut via Hierarchical Sequence/Set Model for Efficient Mixed-Integer Programming) accepted to IEEE TPAMI. Congratulations to Zhihai and all co-authors.

Zhihai Wang

Prof. Wang is appointed an Associate Editor of IEEE TPAMI.

Prof. Wang

One paper accepted to ACL 2024.

Hanzhu Chen

Six papers accepted to ICML 2024. Congratulations to Zhihai for his Spotlight paper (< 3.5% acceptance rate).

Zhihai Wang

Yufei Kuang

Zijie Geng

Qitan Lv

Huanshuo Dong

Congratulations to Zhihai for being honored Excellent Interns (5/400+) by Noah's Ark Lab, Huawei.

Zhihai Wang

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  • 443 Huangshan Road, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
  • Floor 11, West Building of Science and Technology


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